Hindus in Hindu Rashtra pdf: Have you ever questioned the narrative surrounding the idea of a “Hindu Rashtra”? In a land where Hindus make up a billion-strong populace, the rhetoric of a totalitarian, fascist state falls apart upon scrutiny.

Anand Ranganathan’s “Hindus in Hindu Rashtra” fearlessly dissects the paradoxes that challenge the very essence of this term.

About Hindus in Hindu Rashtra Book

Hindus in Hindu Rashtra PDF

In “Hindus in Hindu Rashtra,” Anand Ranganathan strips away the layers of misconception and self-doubt that have cloaked Hindus since Independence.

With stark precision, the book confronts the hard truths that point to a reality far from the envisioned equality. This is an unapologetic narrative of a community grappling with State-endorsed segregation.

Learning Oppurtunity in Hindus in Hindu Rashtra pdf

Discover the compelling truths in “Hindus in Hindu Rashtra pdf”:

  • The erosion of Hindu rights despite their vast majority
  • The assaults on Hindu festivals and traditions
  • Politically skewed resource allocation
  • Forced exodus of Hindu communities
  • Selective prosecution in communal riots
  • Manipulation of historical injustices
  • Contrasting religious practices’ treatment
  • The audacity of State-controlled temples

Ready to uncover the raw reality behind the term “Hindu Rashtra”? Dive into the unvarnished truths that Anand Ranganathan presents.

About Author

Anand Ranganathan

Anand Ranganathan

Anand Ranganathan, a scientist and author, has penned three novels: “The Land of the Wilted Rose,” “For Love and Honour,” and “The Rat Eater, Souffle.” He’s upcoming with a book about India’s overlooked scientists, and “Hindus in Hindu Rashtra” marks his debut non-fiction work.

Click the buttons below to grab your copy of “Hindus in Hindu Rashtra” and be part of a conversation that challenges conventions and fosters enlightenment.

Step into the realm of clarity and confront the stark realities that demand recognition. Grab your copy now and join the dialogue that shatters misconceptions and demands a broader perspective.

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