Are we heeding the lessons of history, or are we at risk of repeating its darkest chapters? Prepare to confront these crucial questions as you dive into ePUB & PDF of ‘Letter to the American Church’ by Eric Metaxas, a fervent and unflinching wake-up call for our times.

Letter to the American Church PDF

In ‘Letter to the American Church ePUB,’ Eric Metaxas, the acclaimed author of ‘Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy,’ delivers a stark warning about the unsettling parallels between today’s American church and the German church of the 1930s.

Drawing inspiration from Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s prophetic stance, Metaxas passionately implores his fellow Christians to break the chains of silence in the face of evil, urging them to repent before it’s too late.

What you’ll discover within ‘Letter to the American Church PDF’:

  1. A stark assessment of the similarities between the current American church and its historical counterpart in 1930s Germany.
  2. Eric Metaxas’ earnest call to action, echoing the prophetic spirit of Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
  3. A heartfelt plea for Christians to confront and combat evil with courage and conviction.
  4. A searing reminder of the consequences of silence in the face of moral and societal decay.

This compelling work challenges us all to reflect on our role in shaping the destiny of the church and society, serving as a powerful reminder that history has a tendency to repeat itself when we remain silent in the face of evil.

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