Looking for a steamy contemporary royal romance that will leave you wanting more? Look no further than “Twisted Games,” the second book in the Twisted series by Ana Huang in PDF format.

In this thrilling tale, we meet Rhys Larsen, an elite bodyguard who has never broken his two rules: protect his clients at all costs and do not become emotionally involved. But when he meets Bridget von Ascheberg, a princess with a fire that reduces his rules to ash, he finds himself breaking both rules with every passing day.

As Bridget navigates her new role as a princess, she must also hide her desire for the one man she can’t have: her bodyguard, Rhys. Theirs is a forbidden love that could destroy a kingdom…and doom them both.

In “Twisted Games PDF,” you’ll learn:

  • The dangers of forbidden love and the consequences that come with breaking the rules
  • How love can conquer all, even in the face of overwhelming obstacles
  • The importance of standing up for what you believe in, even if it means going against tradition and duty

About Twisted Games Author

Ana Huang

Ana Huang

Ana Huang is a highly successful author, with her work achieving USA Today, international, and #1 Amazon bestseller status. Her writing style is centered around New Adult and contemporary romance genres, featuring alpha male leads, strong female characters, and plenty of romantic tension. Her books have been widely translated and featured in major publications such as NPR, Cosmopolitan, and the Financial Times. A lover of travel and food, she often incorporates stunning destinations and culinary delights into her writing.

To stay up-to-date on her upcoming releases and sales. Visit at below.

Download Links for Twisted Games PDF

Don’t miss out on this steamy, heart-pounding romance. Download your free copy of “Twisted Games PDF” today and immerse yourself in the world of Ana Huang’s Twisted series.

More from Ana Huang

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SeriesBook TitleBook No.
Kings of SinKing of WrathBook 1
King of PrideBook 2
TwistedTwisted LoveBook 1
Twisted GamesBook 2
Twisted HateBook 3
Twisted LiesBook 4
If Love DuetIf We Ever Meet AgainBook 1
If the Sun Never SetsBook 2
If LoveIf Love Had a PriceBook 3
If We Were PerfectBook 4

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