In the early 1990s, a new managerial approach to public administration began to Take hold. Like the traditional Managerial Approach at its inception, the New Approach is reform-oriented and seeks to improve Public sector performances.
It starts from the premise that traditional, bureaucratically organized Public Administration is broke and broken, and Consequently, the public has lost faith in government.
In the United States, the New Public Management approach (NPM) was adopted by Vice president Al gore’s National Performance Review (NPR). Its 1993 Report, from red tape to results: Creating a government that works Better & costs less, explicitly sought a New customer service contract with The people, a new guarantee of effective, efficient, and responsive government.
It called with among others: putting Customers first, making service Organizations compete, creating Market dynamics, using market mechanisms to solve problems, Empowering employees to get results, Decentralization decision making Power, streamlining the budget Process, decentralizing personnel Policy, and streamlining procurement.
Today, the New Public Management (NPM) is becoming the Dominant managerial approach. Its major-key concept was somewhat evolutionary A decade ago- now the standard language of public administration. Terms: results-oriented, customers focused, employee empowerment, entrepreneurship, and outsourcing have dominated the Mainstream.
Overall, public administrative Culture is changing to be more flexible, innovative, problem-solving, Entrepreneurial, and enterprising as opposes to rule-bound, process-oriented, and focused on inputs Rather than results.