What is the Historical Approach to the study of Political Science?

The Historical Approach to the study of Political Science is an essential perspective that involves the examination of political systems and institutions within the context of their historical development. It examines the evolution of political systems, the social and cultural context that shaped them, and their impact on the present-day.

The Historical Approach emphasizes the importance of examining political phenomena within the historical context and seeks to understand –

  • How past events have shaped political systems and institutions?
  • How these institutions continue to influence political behavior in the present?

Where did Historical Approach came from?

The Historical Approach to Political Science can be traced back to the works of early political thinkers such as Aristotle and Plato. These philosophers were concerned with the study of political systems, including their origins, development, and future.

These thinkers believed that an understanding of the past was crucial for understanding the present and predicting the future of political systems.

Later, this idea was further developed in the works of political philosophers during the Renaissance, such as Machiavelli, who sought to understand the political systems of his time and their historical roots.

The Historical Approach to Political Science continued to evolve over the centuries and became a dominant perspective in the 19th century. During this time, the study of history was becoming increasingly scientific, and scholars sought to understand political systems in a more systematic and rigorous manner.

This led to the development of the ‘Historical School of Political Science‘, which emphasized the importance of studying political systems in their historical context and sought to understand how political systems and institutions evolved over time.

Contributions of Historical Approach to Political Science

  • The first key contributions of the Historical Approach to Political Science is the recognition of the importance of context. Political systems and institutions cannot be understood in isolation, but must be understood within the context of their historical development, the cultural and social environment that shaped them, and their impact on other political systems and institutions. This perspective emphasizes the importance of examining the interconnections between political systems, as well as the influence of broader historical and cultural forces.
  • The second important contribution of the Historical Approach to Political Science is its focus on the long-term evolution of political systems and institutions. This perspective recognizes that political systems and institutions are not static but are constantly evolving and changing. It seeks to understand how political systems and institutions change over time, as well as the factors that drive these changes. This long-term perspective provides a comprehensive understanding of the evolution of political systems and institutions, which is crucial for predicting future trends and developments.

Why need to study Historical Approach?

The Historical Approach to Political Science is also important for understanding the development of political ideologies and theories. This perspective recognizes that political ideologies and theories are not developed in a vacuum but are shaped by the historical and cultural context in which they are formed. It seeks to understand how political ideologies and theories have evolved over time and how they continue to influence political behavior in the present.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, the Historical Approach to the study of Political Science is an essential perspective that seeks to understand political systems and institutions within the context of their historical development.

This approach recognizes the importance of examining political phenomena within the historical context and emphasizes the importance of understanding how past events have shaped political systems and institutions and how these institutions continue to influence political behavior in the present.

By examining political systems and institutions in their historical context, the Historical Approach provides a comprehensive understanding of the evolution of political systems and institutions, and it is crucial for predicting future trends and developments.

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