Unleash the power within and discover your true identity in ‘Make Me Queen pdf,’ the fifth and final installment of the gripping series, ‘Rich Demons of Darkwood’ by C.R. Jane and May Dawson. Released on June 23, 2023, this book takes you on a thrilling journey as the protagonist fights to save her mother from the clutches of a Demon.

In a desperate attempt to extend her mother’s life, she strikes a dangerous deal with the Demon. She offers an enemy’s life in exchange for her mother’s safety. However, as she confronts her Uncle Carnage, buried memories resurface, leaving her questioning her true identity and the actions she has taken to survive.

Throughout the story, the protagonist finds solace and support in her relationships with Cain, whose nurturing dominance provides stability, Stellan, who sees her true self, Remington, the easygoing genius, and Pax, the fiercely protective companion. But as the Demon begins to separate her from her loved ones, she faces the ultimate challenge—unraveling her past and present to bring down the Demon and reclaim her identity.

In ‘Make Me Queen pdf,’ you’ll learn:

  • The lengths one can go to protect their loved ones
  • The consequences of making deals with the supernatural
  • Uncovering hidden memories and discovering one’s true identity
  • The power of love and the strength it provides during difficult times

Don’t miss out on this gripping tale of self-discovery and redemption. To get a copy of ‘Make Me Queen pdf,’ by C.R. Jane and May Dawson, click the link below and embark on an unforgettable journey.

More from “Rich Demons of Darkwood” series

Make Me LieBook 1
Make Me BegBook 2
Make Me WildBook 3
Make Me BurnBook 4
Make Me QueenBook 5

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