Ready or Not is a romantic novel written by author Cara Bastone. The story revolves around a girl named Eve Hatch [1] and her surprised pregnancy which opens up all side of family complexities and relationships.

This contemporary romance has everything that a adult section of today’s generation are looking for to read – friends to lovers romance, unexpected love, new found family complexities.

This novel is marked to be released on February 13, 2024.

Ready or Not – Cara Bastone Synopsis

Ready or Not Cara Bastone PDF free download

In “Ready or Not PDF” by Cara Bastone, Eve Hatch’s life takes a surprising turn when she discovers she’s pregnant after a one-night stand. This unexpected news shakes up her relationships, especially with her best friend Willa.

Willa’s brother Shep steps in to offer support, and Eve starts seeing him in a new light. Meanwhile, the baby’s father adds to Eve’s confusion with his conflicting emotions.

As Eve navigates her pregnancy and reevaluates her life, she learns that love and family can come from unexpected places.

About Ready or Not PDF

Book TitleReady or Not
AuthorCara Bastone
File Type.epub, Paperback, .pdf, kindle, Audiobook

Learning Oppurtunity

In “Ready or Not” PDF, you’ll learn:

  1. The complexities of navigating unexpected parenthood and its impact on relationships.
  2. The importance of friendship and support during times of uncertainty.
  3. How unexpected circumstances can lead to personal growth and self-discovery.
  4. The dynamics of found family and the bonds that emerge in times of need.
  5. The transformative power of love, even in the most unexpected situations.

About Author

Cara Bastone

Don’t miss out on this captivating tale of love, friendship, and self-discovery. Grab your copy of “Ready or Not” by clicking on the buttons below.

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