Indian Constitution

14   Articles

Cripps Mission (1942) | Background, Purpose, Proposal, Failure, and Impact

9 Min Read

The Cripps Mission in 1942, led by British minister Stafford Cripps, aimed to secure Indian support for Britain in World War II. Cripps, a member of the left-wing Labour Party and the War Cabinet, was sent to negotiate with nationalist Congress leaders and Muslim League leader Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Cripps offered the promise of self-government (Dominion status) after the war in exchange for India’s loyalty.


Government Of India Act 1935 | Indian Polity Notes

4 Min Read

The Government of India Act 1935 was a major reform legislation passed by the British Parliament to provide a new constitution for British India. It aimed to increase representation of Indians in the government and establish a federal structure with powers divided between the central and provincial governments. The act served as the basis for India’s government until the country’s independence in 1947.


Morley-Minto Reforms (Indian Councils Act 1909)

4 Min Read

The Indian Councils Act of 1909, also known as Morley-Minto Reforms was a historic piece of legislation that implemented reforms recommended by Lord Morley, the Secretary of States for India, and Lord Minto, the Viceroy. The act aimed to increase the participation of Indians in the governance of their own country and introduced reforms to the composition and functions of the Indian Legislative Councils.


Charter Act Of 1833

1 Min Read

The Charter Act of 1833 was a significant event in the history of British India, which brought about major administrative and political reforms that had a lasting impact on the country. The act was passed by the British Parliament, and was intended to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the British East India Company’s administration in India.