Looking for Alaska PDF is a captivating novel by John Green, a renowned author, and vlogger. The book was first published in 2005 by Harpercollins and has since undergone several reprints, with the 10th edition being the latest. This literary work is a coming-of-age story that explores the themes of love, loss, friendship, and self-discovery. Set in a boarding school in Alabama, the novel follows the life of a teenage boy, Miles Halter, as he navigates the complexities of adolescence and his quest for the “Great Perhaps.”

The book is written in the English language and spans 271 pages, each of which is filled with engaging and thought-provoking content. Looking for Alaska PDF is a must-read for anyone who enjoys contemporary young adult literature and is looking for an immersive reading experience.

Book TitleLooking for Alaska PDF
AuthorJohn Green
Number of Pages271
PDF QualityOriginal PDF
File TypeOriginal
Article CategoryBooks, Comics and Novels

John Green’s Looking for alaska pdf

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