NCERT Solutions

14   Articles

Unlock the key to academic success with our comprehensive NCERT Solutions. Our expert-written, step-by-step guides provide in-depth understanding of complex concepts and help you excel in your exams.

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The NCERT Solution for Class 11 Political Science Chapter 4 Social Justice has been designed to cater to the needs of students preparing for CBSE, UPSC, and other competitive exams. Along with the textbook solutions, you will also find additional questions from an exam perspective, to help you practice and prepare for your exams effectively.

4 Min Read

Political Science is a social science that deals with the study of government and politics. Class 11 Political Science focuses on the basics of Political Science and its various aspects. Chapter 1 Political Theory: An Introduction, provides a comprehensive overview of What is Politics and political theory, and analysis of why we should study it.