What is Function-Oriented defintion of Management?

The function-oriented definition of management is a classical approach to understanding the role and responsibilities of management in organizations. This approach was given by Henri Fayol, a French engineer and industrialist, and is considered one of the pioneering works in modern management theory.

Fayol’s work, “Administration Industrielle et Générale”, was published in 1916 and provided a comprehensive view of the role and responsibilities of management in organizations.

According to Fayol, management is a set of functions that are necessary for any organization to achieve its goals. These functions include planning, organizing, directing, and controlling. Fayol’s approach emphasizes the importance of these functions in achieving organizational objectives, and views management as a unified and integrated process.

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Henry Fayol’s 5 Functions of Management

The five functions of management identified by Henry Fayol are:

1. Planning

  • a. The process of setting goals and determining the necessary resources and steps needed to achieve those goals.
  • b. This includes determining the overall strategy and objectives of the organization, as well as establishing specific plans for different departments and teams.
  • c. Effective planning is critical for the success of an organization, as it helps to ensure that resources are used efficiently and that goals are reached in a timely manner.

2. Organizing

  • a. The process of arranging and coordinating the activities and resources of an organization to achieve its goals.
  • b. This includes determining the roles and responsibilities of different employees, as well as determining the best methods for achieving specific goals.
  • c. Effective organizing helps to ensure that everyone in the organization understands their responsibilities and has the resources they need to achieve their goals.

3. Commanding

  • a. The process of directing and motivating employees to achieve organizational goals.
  • b. This includes providing clear guidance and expectations, setting performance standards, and communicating the overall vision and mission of the organization.
  • c. Effective commanding helps to ensure that employees are working together effectively and efficiently to achieve organizational goals.

4. Coordinating

  • a. The process of ensuring that different parts of an organization are working together effectively and efficiently.
  • b. This includes ensuring that communication is open and effective, that resources are being used appropriately, and that employees are working together to achieve common goals.
  • c. Effective coordinating helps to ensure that the organization is operating smoothly and that everyone is working towards the same goals.

5. Controlling

  • a. The process of monitoring and evaluating the performance of an organization and its employees.
  • b. This includes setting performance standards, measuring performance, and taking corrective action when necessary.
  • c. Effective controlling helps to ensure that the organization is on track to achieve its goals, and helps to identify and address any problems or inefficiencies in the organization’s processes.

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Strength of Fayol’s Function-Oriented definition of Management

Strengths of Fayol’s function-oriented definition of management are as follows:

Historical Significance

  • Fayol is widely recognized as one of the pioneers of modern management theory and his work remains an important part of the management canon.
  • His approach represents one of the first systematic attempts to define the role and responsibilities of management in organizations, which was a major step forward in the development of management as a discipline.
  • His ideas and principles continue to be studied and applied in organizations around the world, and have been highly influential in the development of other management theories.
  • Fayol’s historical significance demonstrates the enduring value and relevance of his work and his continued impact on the field of management.

Clarity and Simplicity

  • Fayol’s approach is notable for its clarity and simplicity, which makes it easy to understand and apply.
  • The clear and concise structure of Fayol’s definition makes it an accessible starting point for those new to the field of management.
  • The clear and simple framework provides a useful foundation for further study and exploration of the management process.
  • The clarity and simplicity of Fayol’s approach have made it an enduring part of management education and training.

Emphasis on Planning, Organizing, Directing, and Controlling

  • Fayol’s approach places a strong emphasis on the importance of effective planning, organizing, directing, and controlling in achieving organizational goals.
  • This provides a useful framework for understanding the management process and helps to clarify the role of management in organizations.
  • The focus on these key management functions highlights the critical importance of effective management in the success of organizations.
  • Fayol’s emphasis on planning, organizing, directing, and controlling continues to be highly relevant and influential in the field of management today.

Relevance to Contemporary Organizations

  • Despite its historical origins, many of the concepts and principles outlined by Fayol remain relevant in contemporary organizations.
  • For example, the importance of clear goals, efficient structures, and effective communication continue to be critical factors in the success of organizations today.
  • Fayol’s approach provides a useful framework for understanding the management process in organizations of all sizes and types, including small businesses and large corporations.
  • The relevance of Fayol’s approach to contemporary organizations highlights its enduring value and usefulness as a management tool.

Broad Application

  • Fayol’s approach is not limited to a specific type of organization or industry and can be applied to a wide range of organizations, from small businesses to large corporations.
  • The broad applicability of Fayol’s approach highlights its versatility and usefulness in a range of different organizational contexts.
  • This broad applicability makes Fayol’s approach an important part of management education and training, as it provides a useful foundation for understanding the management process in a wide range of organizations.
  • The broad application of Fayol’s approach demonstrates its ongoing relevance and impact on the field of management.

Influence on Other Management Theories

  • Fayol’s approach has been highly influential in the development of other management theories, including classical management theory and contemporary approaches such as total quality management (TQM) and the balanced scorecard.
  • The influence of Fayol’s approach on other management theories highlights its significance and impact on the field of management.
  • The continued influence of Fayol’s approach on other management theories demonstrates its ongoing relevance and usefulness as a management tool.
  • d. The influence of Fayol’s approach on other management theories also underscores the importance of his work in shaping the field of management and his continuing impact on the study and practice of management.

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Integration of Technical and Human Skills

  • Fayol’s approach recognizes the importance of both technical and human skills in the management process, and emphasizes the need for managers to have a well-rounded skill set.
  • This integration of technical and human skills provides a useful framework for understanding the complexity of the management process and the importance of both technical expertise and people skills in achieving organizational goals.
  • The emphasis on the integration of technical and human skills highlights the critical importance of effective leadership and communication in the success of organizations.
  • The integration of technical and human skills in Fayol’s approach continues to be highly relevant and influential in contemporary management practice and education.


Despite its strengths, Fayol’s function-oriented definition of management has its limitations and Criticisms, which are discussed under the following points –

  • Simplistic View: Fayol’s approach is criticized for its oversimplified view of the management process. It assumes that management is a straightforward and linear process, which is not necessarily the case in complex and dynamic organizations.
  • Lack of Attention to Employees: Fayol’s definition focuses primarily on the management process and ignores the role of employees in the success of an organization. This is a major limitation, as employees play a critical role in the success of organizations and their involvement is critical to achieving organizational goals.
  • Inflexibility: Fayol’s approach is criticized for being too rigid and inflexible. It does not allow for the adaptability and creativity necessary for success in today’s rapidly changing business environment.
  • Lack of Attention to Cultural Differences: Fayol’s approach does not take into account cultural differences and assumes a universal application of management principles, which is not always the case in a globalized business environment.
  • Emphasis on Hierarchy: Fayol’s definition places a strong emphasis on hierarchical structures, which may not be appropriate in modern organizations that emphasize flat structures and teamwork.
  • Limited Attention to Ethics: Fayol’s definition focuses primarily on the technical aspects of management and does not give sufficient attention to the ethical implications of management decisions and actions.
  • Outdated: Fayol’s approach was developed in the early 20th century and is therefore considered by some to be outdated and no longer relevant in today’s business environment.

Relevance of Function-Oriented Definition of Management

In addition to its historical significance, Fayol’s approach remains relevant in contemporary organizations. For example, many of the concepts and principles outlined by Fayol, such as the importance of clear goals, efficient structures, and effective communication, continue to be critical factors in the success of organizations today.


In conclusion, the function-oriented definition of management provided by Fayol continues to be a valuable contribution to the field of management, and is an important part of the broader tradition of classical management theory. It provides a useful framework for understanding the role and responsibilities of management in organizations, and continues to be relevant and influential in the field of management today.

FAQs on Function Oriented Definition of Management?

Q1. Who gave the function-oriented definition of Management?

Ans. The function-oriented definition of management is often attributed to Henri Fayol, a French engineer and industrialist. Fayol is considered one of the pioneers of modern management theory and is best known for his work “Administration Industrielle et Générale”. In this work, Fayol presented his view of management as a series of functions that are necessary for any organization to achieve its goals, such as planning, organizing, directing, and controlling. His function-oriented definition of management formed the basis for modern management theory and has influenced management thinking for over a century.

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